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The family story behind Equilac®

The story of Equilac® started in 1996 on a horse breeding farm in Belgium.

When the oldest son, Bart, was watching a Belgian TV show about horse milk and its health benefits, he decided to leave school when he turned 18 years old to start his horse milk farm with his parents’ horses.

Bart’s family are breeders of Belgian Warmblood sport horses, and at a young age, he rode with his parents’ horses in show-jumping competitions.

In the summer of 1998, a few days after leaving school, he started milking horses and selling fresh and frozen horse milk to friends, family, and people suffering from health issues who lived near the farm.

Bart knew that he could only offer fresh horse milk to people who were living close to the farm because of the short shelf life of 3 days that fresh horse milk has.

He thought about how he could expand his business and give more people access to horse milk so they could also benefit from his unique product.


Bart, founder of Equilac®, back in 1998 when he started his mare’s milk farm in Belgium.

The idea came to make powder from raw horse milk so the milk powder would have a longer shelf life, became available in pharmacies, and exported to other countries.

After contacting almost every Belgian dairy manufacturer, he found one factory that wanted to try converting horse milk to milk powder.

The test was successful, and a few months later, horse milk powder became available in Belgian health food stores under the name Equilac®.

The trademark Equilac® comes from the Latin words Equus (horse) and Lac (milk).

Bart’s mother was a pharmacist, which gave him the insight to make a dietary supplement based on horse milk powder.

The capsules made horse milk even more accessible than horse milk powder because users only had to swallow capsules instead of mixing them in water and drinking them.

It was then 1999, and Equilac® capsules became available in Belgian pharmacies.

Bart built his first website with his younger brother Wim that same year. The first online order from the United States came in, and this became the start of the worldwide availability of Equilac® that he dreamed about when he started his adventure. Everyone could now benefit from his product.

Over the years, Equilac® became available in more countries, and the growth of the internet made it accessible to more people searching online to treat health issues.

In 2009, he opened an office at the Chrysler Building in New York to continue the international expansion of Equilac®.

Buy horse milk capsules

Are you looking for a natural way to treat skin problems? Buy Equilac®, the original horse milk capsules since 1999, trusted by thousands of satisfied users. Equilac® horse milk capsules help relieve psoriasis, eczema, or acne from within.
Equilac Horse Milk Capsules
Equilac® horse milk capsules
Contains 180 horse milk capsules (3-month treatment) with 600 mg of horse milk powder per capsule.

* Individual results with horse milk may vary. Equilac® is not a medicine but a dietary supplement. If you are considering consuming horse milk or products thereof, it is advisable to consult a doctor or nutritionist to understand the potential benefits, possible risks, or allergies.

** This website provides general information on health and related topics. This information is not intended as medical advice. They should not be construed as such, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.